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How to Become a Better Fisher Angler? Tips to Enhance Your Fishing Skills and Techniques


Fishing is an enjoyable and rewarding activity that allows you to connect with nature while challenging your skills as an angler. Whether you're a novice or have some fishing experience, there are always ways to improve your techniques and become a better fisher angler. In this article, we will explore various tips and strategies that can help you enhance your fishing abilities and increase your chances of success on the water. By honing your skills and adopting the right techniques, you can significantly improve your fishing results. Let's dive into the world of fishing and explore the steps you can take to become a better fisher angler.

Understanding the Basics of Fishing

Before diving into advanced techniques, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of fishing. Familiarize yourself with the different types of fishing, such as freshwater, saltwater, fly fishing, and more. (Baiting, luring, trolling, jigging and many more) Each type requires specific gear and techniques tailored to the target fish species and the fishing environment. Invest in quality fishing gear, including rods, reels, lines, lures and hooks, suited to your preferred fishing style.

Choosing the Right Fishing Spot

Fishing Singapore

Finding the right fishing spot can significantly impact your success. Do thorough research on local waters, including rivers, lakes, and coastal areas, to identify the best locations for your target fish. Consider factors such as water depth, vegetation, and structure that attract fish. Additionally, take into account the weather conditions, as they will influence fish behaviour and feeding patterns.

Mastering Different Fishing Techniques

To become a skilled angler, it's essential to master a variety of fishing techniques. Practice casting and retrieving, which is the foundation of many fishing methods. If you're interested in bottom fishing, you can explore four popular techniques: Apollo fishing, Tenya, Ranggong, and Madai fishing. Learning these four techniques will provide you with the knowledge of when to use each fishing technique based on different situations, thereby enhancing your fishing skills. Each technique requires practice and patience to perfect.

Selecting the Right Bait


Choosing the appropriate bait is crucial for enticing fish to bite. Consider using live bait, such as prawns or live fish, which can be highly effective in attracting a wide range of fish species.

Select the Right Lures

Fishing Lures

For area that does not allow bait, you may explore the world of artificial lures, including spoons, crankbaits, and soft plastics. Match the colour, size, and movement of the bait or lure to the preferences of the target fish.

Learning to Read the Water


Being able to read the water is a valuable skill for any angler. Identify areas with structure, such as submerged rocks, reefs, or vegetation, as they provide shelter and hiding spots for fish. Observe water currents and temperature variations, as they can indicate where fish are likely to be present. Understanding the underwater environment will help you position yourself in the right spots for a successful catch.

Understanding Fish Behaviour


To increase your chances of success, it's essential to understand fish behaviour. Learn about the feeding patterns of different fish species, including their preferred prey and feeding times. Gain knowledge about their spawning habits and migration patterns, as these can influence their location and behaviour throughout the year. The more you know about your target fish, the better you can adapt your fishing strategies. For example, the barramundi, a popular game fish in Singapore, tends to be more active during dawn and dusk when they actively feed. They commonly prey on smaller fish, shrimp, and crabs. By understanding their feeding patterns and preferred prey, you can effectively select the appropriate bait and lures.

Patience and Persistence

Kids Fishing

Fishing requires patience and persistence. Sometimes, the fish may not be biting, but it's crucial to stay focused and committed. Experiment with different techniques, lures, and bait until you find what works best in a particular situation. Be adaptable and willing to try new approaches. Remember, every fishing day is a learning opportunity, and even experienced anglers face challenging days.

Practicing Proper Catch and Release

Conservation of fish populations is crucial for sustainable fishing. Practice proper catch and release techniques to minimize harm to the fish you catch. Handle fish with care, avoiding excessive touching or squeezing. Use barbless hooks, as they are easier to remove and cause less damage to the fish. Familiarize yourself with fishing regulations in your area and follow size and bag limits to ensure the long-term health of fish populations. Additionally, it's important to release juvenile fish back into the water. You can refer to the article 'How to Do It Properly for Sustainable Fishing Practice' which highlights the significance of releasing juveniles.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Becoming a better angler is an ongoing journey. Engage with fishing communities, both online and offline, to learn from experienced anglers and share your own knowledge. Attend workshops or fishing seminars to gain insights from professionals. Consider hiring a fishing guide to learn specific techniques or explore new fishing grounds. Remember, there is always something new to learn, and each experience will contribute to your growth as an angler.

Fishing Charter Singapore

In summation, becoming a better angler requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and a passion for the sport. By understanding the basics, choosing the right fishing spots, mastering different techniques, and continuously learning and improving, you can enhance your fishing abilities and increase your chances of success on the water. Remember to practice patience, respect for the environment, and ethical fishing practices. So grab your gear, head to the water, and enjoy the art of fishing!

If you're a beginner angler, consider enrolling in our Beginner Angler Course where we provide professional guidance and teach you the essential knowledge and skills needed to get started in fishing. After completing the Beginner Angler’s course, you can progress to the next level with our Novice Angler's Course, which focuses on fishing from boats. And for those looking to further refine their skills, we offer the Intermediate Angler's Course. Let us help you become the best angler you can be!

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